April 6 2015

Medical Monday: Brachial

Brachial is defined as: “Of or pertaining to the arm, especially the upper arm.”

Machine Briefs:
OPTION #1: brachial= BRAIK/YI/A*L
OPTION #2: brachial= BRAK/YI/A*L
OPTION #3: brachial= BRAIK/YA*L
OPTION #4: brachial= BRAIK/YAL
OPTION #5: brachial= BRAK/YA*L
OPTION #6: brachial= BRAK/YAL

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April 3 2015

Rules Of Grammar: Commonly Misspelled Words Starting With “Ac”

Here are some words starting with “ac” that are commonly misspelled (Machine briefs included):

acerbic= A/SER/PW*IK
achievement= KHAEFMT
acknowledgement= NAOJT or NAOMT
acoustic= A/KOUFKT
acquaintance= QAINS
acquiescence= QAOEFS
acquire= QIR
acquitted= QI/-D
acrimonious= AK/MOEN/YUS
acrobat= AK/BA*T
across= KRAOS
acupressure= AK/PR*ERB
acupuncture= AUK
acrylic= A/KRIL/*IK

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April 3 2015

Friday Phrases: “On The” Phrases

Friday Phrases Logo
on the= ONT
on the floor= OFL
on the ground= OG
on the grounds= OGS
on the job= OEJ
on the part= OEPT
on the record= NRORTD
back on the record= BORKD or BRORTD
on the other hand= OERND
on the left side= ONLDZ
on the right side= ORNDZ
were on the PR-ONT

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Category: Briefs | LEAVE A COMMENT
April 2 2015

Rules Of Grammar: Commonly Misspelled Words Starting With “Acc”

Here are some words starting with “acc” that are commonly misspelled. Remember to include the double “c” when spelling these words (Machine briefs included):

accelerator= SLOERT
accent= SAENT
acceptable= SEBL or SEPBL
access= SKES
accessible= SKEFBL
accessory= SKOIR
accidentally= SDLL
acclimate= A/KLAOIMT or AK/LA/MA*IT or AK/KLIMT
accolade= KLAID
accommodate= KOMT
accompany= KPOIN
accompaniment= KPOINT or KPOIMT
accomplice= KPLIS
accomplish= PLIRB
accord= KAORD
accordion= KAORD/YO*N
accost= A/KOFT or A/KO*S
accrue= KRU
accumulate= KAOUM or KAOUMT
accuracy= KRAZ
accurate= KRAT
accursed= A/KUFRD
accusation= KAOUGS
accustom= KAUFM

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April 1 2015


“Never take success for granted. Success is not easy. It is hard won, with many elements going into it. I realize that now. Don’t take success for granted, and you’ll never have to worry about it again.” -Donald Trump

Love, Speed & Accuracy,

Elsie Villega

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