August 21 2015

Friday Phrases: And Phrases Part 2

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and be= SKP-B
and behind= SKPHIND
and behind the= SKPHINTD
and believe= SKP-BL
and believes= SKP-BLS
and believed= SKP-BLD
and can= SKP-K
and can the= SKP-KT
and even= SKPAOEFN
and even the= SKPAOEFNT
and every= SKPEFR
and everything= SKPEFRG
and everything else= SKPEFRLGS
and feel= SKP-FL
and feels= SKP-FLS
and felt= SKP-FLT
and find= SKP-FND
and finds= SKP-FNDZ
and gets= SKP-GTS
and go= SKP-G
and go to= SKP-GT
and go to the= SKP-GTD
and goes= SKP-GS
and happened= SKP-PD
and happens= SKP-PS
and has= SKP-BS
and have= SKP-F
and have been= SKP-FB
and have been the= SKP-FBT
and have had= SKP-FD
and having= SKP-FG

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August 20 2015

Random Briefs

shortcut= SHORKT
shortcuts= SHORKTS
mathematic= MA*KT
mathematics= MA*KTS
mathematical= MA*BLGT or MA*LT
unit= AOUNT
units= AOUNTS
unity= YAOUNT
unite= YAOINT
united= YAOINTD
naive= NAOEF
naivete= NAOEFT
requisite= R-KT
requisites= R-KTS
prerequisite= PR-KT or PREKT or PRERKT
prerequisites= PR-KTS or PREKTS or PRERKTS
urge= URJ
urgent= URJT or URGT
urgently= URLGT
urgency= URGZ or ORJZ
contention= KENGS
condescension= SKENGS
anatomy= NAEMT
anatomical= NAOBLGT
anatomically= NAOEBLGT

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Category: Briefs | LEAVE A COMMENT
August 14 2015

Friday Phrases: And Phrases Part 1

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and a= SKPA or SKPAI
and a half= NAF
and act= SKPAKT
and acted= SKPAKTD
and acts= SKPAKTS
and after= SKPAF
and after the= SKPAFT
and all= SKPAUL
and all the= SKPAULT
and all of the= SKPAUFLT
and all this= SKPAULTS
and all of this= SKPAUFLTS
and also= SKPL-S
and are= SKP-R or SKPR-
and are not= SKP-RNT
and are the= SKP-RT
and around= SKPARND
and around the= SKPARNTD
and arrange= SKPARNG
and arranged= SKPARNGD
and as= SKPAZ
and at= SKPAT

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Category: Briefs | LEAVE A COMMENT
August 13 2015

I Love Steno: The Student Edition: The Earlier You Figure Out How To Write “And,” The Better

The sooner you figure out how you will write the word “and” on your machine, the better. Like most high frequency words, it is beneficial to be able to phrase, “and.” [NOTE: An Oxford study has "and" listed as the 5th most frequently used word.]

When I was taught theory, I was taught to write the word “and” on the machine as AND. In countless hours of practice, I wrote AND without being able to phrase it, due to its being comprised of the final -D stroke. It wasn’t until I finished 8 months of theory and a number of months in low-level speed classes that I discovered writing “and,” SKP-. This method allows for phrasing of the oft-heard word.

It was difficult for me to change the way I wrote “and” after being accustomed to stroking the word out as a lone word. As it is said, “practice makes permanent.” However, I saw a great benefit in amending the way I wrote the word. Phrasing would allow me to eliminate a stroke and quicken my writing.

Due to the immense effort that it takes to amend a mentally solidified stroke, the sooner you figure out how to write your words, particulary high-frequency words, the better off you will be in terms of speed advancement.

Check back tomorrow for Friday Phrases, part 1 of “and phrases.” I currently have over 500 “and phrases” in my dictionary I would like to share. Also, please note that you should use phrasing as you see fit.

Love, Speed and Accuracy,


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August 10 2015

Random Briefs

constrict= SKRIKT
constricts= SKRIKTS
constricted= SKRIKTD
constriction= SKRIKS
contradict= KRIKT
contradicts= KRIKTS
contradicted= KRIKTD
contradiction= KRIKS
contradictions= KRIKSZ
contradictory= KRIRKT
conflict= KIKT
conflicts= KIKTS
conflicted= KIKTD

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