May 16 2016

Medical Monday: Serology

Serology is defined as follows: “(1) The science that deals with the properties and reactions of serums, especially blood serum. (2) The characteristics of a disease or organism shown by study of blood serums.”

Machine Briefs:

OPTION #1: serology= SER/RO*LG
OPTION #2: serology= SER/OLG
OPTION #3: serology= SA/RO*LG
OPTION #4: serology= SERLG

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May 16 2016

Medical Monday: Dropsy

Dropsy is “the swelling of soft tissues due to the accumulation of excess water.” Dropsy is now commonly referred to by its more modern term, “edema.”

Machine Briefs:

OPTION #1: dropsy= DROPS/YI
OPTION #2: dropsy= DROP/S*I
OPTION #3: dropsy= DROP/SAO*E
OPTION #4: dropsy= DROPS/S*I
OPTION #5: dropsy= DROPS/SAO*E

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May 11 2016

Medical Briefs From House: Season 1, Episode 6

House MD
method= MEF
tongue= TOUNG
disability= DABLT
benefits= BEFS
blood= BLAOD
diagnosis= D-GS
schizophrenia= SKITS/FREN/YA*
medical= MEL
signature= SIGT
respiration= R-RPGS
intubated= IN/TAOU/BA*ITD
oxygenated= SHEN/NA*ITD
pulmonary= PUL/NA*ER
embolism= EM/BLIFM or EM/BL*IFM
blood clot= BLAOKTS
lungs= LUNGS
oxygen= SHEN
pain= PAIN
vein= VAIN
thrombosis= THROM/BO*EZ
blood alcohol= BLOL
schizophrenic= SKITS/FREN/*IK
alcoholic= KHOK
varices= VAR/SAO*ES or VER/SAO*ES
esophagus= AOE/SOF/G*US
blood tests= BLAOTS
stethoscope= ST*ET/SKO*EP
symptoms= STOMS
contraceptive= KRAFPT
contraceptives= KRAFPTS
oral= ORL
diabetes= DAOIBTS
obesity= O/BAO*EFT
heparin= HEP/R*IN
trauma= TRAUM
bump= BUFRP
Stockholm= STOK/HO*EM
uterus= AOURTS
lobotomies= LA/BOT/M*IS or LA/BOT/MAO*ES
Socrates= SOK/RA/TAO*ES
meds= M*EDZ
medicine= MED
radiation= YAEGS
therapist= THAERPT
oncology= ON/KOLG or AON/KOLG
tremors= TRERMS
blood work= BLORK or BLAO*RK
protein= PRAOEN
psych= SAOIK
Haldol= HAL/DO*L
appendicitis= PAETS
heart disease= HARDZ
athlete’s foot= TLAOETS/FAO*T
obstetrics= STREKS
numb= NUM
chemical= KHEM
side effects= SFEKTS
depression= DPREFGS
antibiotic= AEBT
ampicillin= AM/PA/SIL/*IN or AM/PA/SL*IN
cirrhosis= SA/RO*EZ
ultrasound= URLT/SO*UND
diet= DAO*IT
trifluoperazine= TRAOI/FLAOU/PER/SAO*EN
Thorazine= THOR/SAO*EN
Clozaril= KLOZ/R*IL
deficiency= DPIRBZ
calories= KLAORS
vitamin= VAOIMT
epiphyseal= EP/FAOEZ/YA*L
tumor= TAOURM
cystic= SIFKT or KRIFKT
centimeters= SMAOERTS
surgery= SURG
cauterizes= KAURT/RAO*ISZ
surgical= SURL
ethanol= *ET/NO*L
cells= KRELS
temporarily= TRAERL
surgeon= SURN
clinic= KLIN
hiccups= HIK/JUPS
operating= PRAIGT
anger= ANG
chemotherapy= KHAOEM/THAERP
chemo= KHAOEM
parameters= PRARMTS
headache= HAEK
neurologist= NAOURLGT
aneurysm= AN/R*IFM
immunologist= KBAOUNLGT
intensivist= SBENS/V*IFT
specialist= SPIFT
disease= D-Z
porphyria= POR/FAOER/YA*
genetic= JENGT
ophthalmologist= OP/THA/MOLGT
cataracts= KAT/RA*KTS
Keyser Fleischer= KAOI/S*ER/FLERB/*ER
corneas= KORN/YA*S
discharged= DARJD

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May 8 2016

Dictionary Builder: Doyen

Doyen is defined as follows: “(1) The senior member of a body or group. (2) A person considered to be knowledgeable or uniquely skilled as a result of long experience in some field of endeavor. (3) The oldest example of a category.”

Machine Briefs:

OPTION #1: doyen= DOI/*EN
OPTION #2: doyen= DOI/Y*EN

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May 6 2016

Friday Phrases

Friday Phrases Logo
black and blue= BLAOB
black and blue mark = BLAORK
black and blue marks = BLAORKS
financial statement= FNLT
financial statements= FNLTS
fire alarm= FLARM
Food & Drug= FRUG
Food & Drug Administration= FRUGD or TKPA/TKPA
for a long time= FLONGT

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Category: Briefs | LEAVE A COMMENT
May 5 2016

Random Briefs

Caribbean= KRAOEB or KRAEB
rational= RAL
rationale= RA*L
rationalization= RALGS
rationalize= RALZ
rationalized= RALDZ
pathological= THOL
receptive= REFPT
reception= REFPGS or RAOEFPGS
repetitive= RAOEFPT
bulletproof= BUPLT or BLAOF

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Category: Briefs | LEAVE A COMMENT
May 5 2016

Case CATalyst: Auto Log On

I Love Steno Logo (Cropped)You can use Case CAT without having to click on a user to get to your files. If you are the only person who uses your Case CATalyst system, this may be your preference. To eliminate this click, you would turn on your Auto Logo On function. To do so, do the following steps:

1) Click on Manage Jobs.
2) Click on Tools.
3) Select Auto Log On.

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