January 28 2022

Friday Phrases

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if able to= FAIBLTD
if able to the= FA*IBLTD
no fault= NAULT
no-fault= NA*ULT
no-fault insurance= NAURNS
is that you have to= STHAUFTD
and with other= SKPWOER
and with others= SKPWOERS
some type of= STAOIFP
some types of= STAOIFPS

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Category: Briefs | LEAVE A COMMENT
January 18 2022

Briefs and Phrases From Spiderman No Way Home

Spiderman No Way Home
technology= T-J
casualties= KARBLTS
conclusive= KL*UFS
superhero= SPROER
villain= VINL
subway= SBAI
murderer= MRURD
New York= NORK
federal agents= FRALGTS
vigilante= VIJT
accomplice= KPLIS
endangerment= SBAIJT
spider= SPAO*IRD
Spiderman= SPAO*IRMD
hallway= WLAI
backup= BUP
technicality= TEKT
equalizer= KWARLZ
catastrophic= STROFK
call me= KA*UM
listen to me= L-NLTD
monster= MOFRNT
talk about this= TAUBTS
condominium= KMIM
electricity= LEFK
organisms= GOFMS
can you feel it= K*UFLT
talk to me= TA*UMTD
displacement= DPLAIFMT or SDPLAIFMT
stop it= STO*PT
yes it is= Y*EFTS
we’re good= WAO*ERGD
random= RAOND
Peter= PAO*ERT
Parker= PRA*RK
yes, sir= YES
skip it= SK*IPT
remember me= RERM
I don’t want to= YOPTD
hero= HOER
tell us= TLUS
who he really= WHO*ERL
good friend= GREND
take care of= TAEFRK
take care= TAERK

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November 19 2021

Briefs and Phrases From The Office: Season 5, Episode 7

The Office Season 5 Episode 7
bridesmaid= BRAOIDZ/MA*ID
fiancée= FAOENZ
survey= SWAE
customer service= KMEFS
salespeople= SPAOEPL
Bluetooth= BLAO*T
Dijon= DAOE/JO*N
fabulous= FABLS
arrogant= AORNGT
hostile= HOFL
boundaries= BOURNDZ
listen to= L-NTD
bridal= BRAOILD
canvas= KWAS
are you serious= RUFZ
nook= NAOK
guacamole= GAUK/MOEL/YI
kidnap= KIP
I have to= IFTD
materials= TAOERLS
specifications= SPEBGSZ
generous= JERNS

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November 19 2021

Friday Phrases

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on ground= ONG
on the ground= OG
on grounds= ONGS
on the ground= OGS
if able to= FAIBLTD
if able to the= FA*IBLTD
and will not= SKPLNT
is that going= STHAG
should have to= SHUFTD
should have to the= SH*UFTD

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Category: Briefs | LEAVE A COMMENT
November 12 2021

Friday Phrases

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substantial evidence= SBLAEFD
substantive evidence= SBAEFD
they need to= THEFRNTD
they need to the= TH*EFRNTD
which really= KH*RL
which recall= KH-RL
and how much= SKPHOUFP
because of those= BAUFS
because of these= BAUFZ

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Category: Briefs | LEAVE A COMMENT
October 22 2021

Friday Phrases

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back pain= BAIP
none of= NOFN
none of those= NOFNS
none of these= NOFNZ
keep in mind= KAOEMD
keep in minding= KAOEMGD
important thing= PORNG
important thing to= PORNGTD
important thing to the= PO*RNGTD

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Category: Briefs | LEAVE A COMMENT
October 15 2021

Friday Phrases

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which also= KH-LS
when made= WH-MD
to have made= TOFMD
this result= TH-RLT
that result= THARLD
is to go= STOG
is to go to= STOGTD
is to go to the= STO*GTD
about our= BOUR
San Francisco= SFRAN
and believe me= SKBLEFM

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Category: Briefs | LEAVE A COMMENT
October 12 2021

Briefs and Phrases From Dave Chapelle: The Closer

Dave Chapelle The Closer
Detroit= DROIT
special= SPERB
by the way= BAE
vaccinated= VAKTD
vaccine= VAOEFN
Johnson= JOFN
coronavirus= SKRAOIRS
dirty= DOIRT
last time= LAFMT
I didn’t get= YIGT
magic= MIJ
years ago= YAOERGS
planet= PLAENT
concept= SKEPT
racism= RAIFM
restaurant= STRAUNT
objective= OFBT
button= BON
disparity= SDPAERT
of course,= -FX
jealous= J-LS
sensitive= SNEF
brittle= BRILT
droplets= DROPLTS
filming= FIMG
minorities= MOIRNTS
masculinity= SKLINT
definition= DPINGS
listen= L-N
stupid= STAOUPD
golden= GOENLD
and then= SKPHEN
million dollars= M-LDZ
agents= AGTS
gender= JERND
incentive= SNEFNT
point of view= POIF
Oakland= OEBLGD
San Francisco= SFRAN
Thanksgiving= THAFG
holidays= HOILDZ
canceled= KAELD
professional= PROEFL
comedian= KMAOEND
comedy= KMAOED
shooter= SHAORT
boundaries= BOURNDZ
defend= D-F
Twitter= TW*IRT
obituary= OEBT/RA*ER
Google= GAOLG

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