Briefs and Phrases From The Invisible Man
just go= JUFGT
have you been= VUB
step outside= STEPDZ
you’ve been= *UFB
as far as= SFARS
do I know= DOIN
this is not= TH-FNT
justifies= JUFS
birth control= BROEL
plural= PLURL
across the street= KRAO*TS
attorney= TOERN
discretionary= SDRAEFGS
urn= *URN
income tax= N-KT
contestability= KEFBLT
contingent= TIJ
mature= MAUR
James= JAIMS
footprints= FAOPTS
what happened= WHAPD
Paris= PARZ
in particular= KBLAR
architecture= AERK
machinery= M-RN
blood test= BLAOT
diazepam= DAOI/AZ/PA*M
very good= VEGD
how to= HOUTD
optics= OPKTS
torture= TAOURT
invisible= KB-FBL
suffocating= S*UFKT
doing this= DOGTS
medication= MEGS
enough= NUF
isolate= SOELT
Sidney= SID/NAO*E
suburban= SBURN
to believe= TOBL
stalking= STAUBLG
listen to= L-NTD
I can’t tell you= YA*ULT
sister= ST-R
incompetent= IP
bank account= BANGT
narcissist= NARS/S*IFT
sociopath= SO*ERPBT
litigate= LIG
forfeit= FOFRT
phone call= FOENG
umbrella= BREL
atmospheric= SFAERK
rainfall= RAIFL
tactical= TABLGT
basement= BAIFMT
victim= VIM
corroborating= KRO*BG
as long as= SLONGS