March 29 2020

Briefs and Phrases From The Invisible Man

The Invisible Man
just go= JUFGT
have you been= VUB
step outside= STEPDZ
you’ve been= *UFB
as far as= SFARS
do I know= DOIN
this is not= TH-FNT
justifies= JUFS
birth control= BROEL
plural= PLURL
across the street= KRAO*TS
attorney= TOERN
discretionary= SDRAEFGS
urn= *URN
income tax= N-KT
contestability= KEFBLT
contingent= TIJ
mature= MAUR
James= JAIMS
footprints= FAOPTS
what happened= WHAPD
Paris= PARZ
in particular= KBLAR
architecture= AERK
machinery= M-RN
blood test= BLAOT
diazepam= DAOI/AZ/PA*M
very good= VEGD
how to= HOUTD
optics= OPKTS
torture= TAOURT
invisible= KB-FBL
suffocating= S*UFKT
doing this= DOGTS
medication= MEGS
enough= NUF
isolate= SOELT
Sidney= SID/NAO*E
suburban= SBURN
to believe= TOBL
stalking= STAUBLG
listen to= L-NTD
I can’t tell you= YA*ULT
sister= ST-R
incompetent= IP
bank account= BANGT
narcissist= NARS/S*IFT
sociopath= SO*ERPBT
litigate= LIG
forfeit= FOFRT
phone call= FOENG
umbrella= BREL
atmospheric= SFAERK
rainfall= RAIFL
tactical= TABLGT
basement= BAIFMT
victim= VIM
corroborating= KRO*BG
as long as= SLONGS

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January 24 2020

Briefs and Phrases From Uncut Gems

Uncut Gems
colon= KLON
sigmoid= SIG/MO*ID
diverticula= DAOIFRT/LA*
flexional= FLEX/NA*L
polyp= PLIP
biopsy= BAOIPZ
ileocolic= IL/YOE/KL*IK
transverse= TRANZ/VERS
in and out of= NOUFT
Kevin= KEFN
Paramus= PA/RAM/*US
ultrasonic= URLT/SO*NG
gremlin= GREM/L*IN
moot= MAOT
showroom= SHOERM
Furby= FUR/BAO*E
opals= OEP/A*LS
dinosaur= DAOIN/SO*R
championship= KHAOP
trapeze= TRA/PAO*EZ
what do you mean= WHAOUM
blacklight= BLABLGT
auction= AUX
colonoscopy= KLON/SKO*IP
colon cancer= KLAERN
father-in-law= FA*ERNL
gemologist= JEM/OLGT
catalog= KALGT
sweetheart= SWHART
casino= KAOFN
speaker= SPAOERK
bulletproof= BLAOF
supervisor= SPR-FR
helicopter= HEL/KO*RPT
halftime= HAFMT

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January 16 2020

Briefs and Phrases From Gemini Man

Gemini Man

kilometers= KLORMTS
believe me= BLEFM
retiring= RIRG
bustling= BUFLGT
Liège= LAOE/*EJ
biologist= BAOILGT
Gemini= JEM/NAO*I
surprise me= SPRAOIFM
surveil= SWAIL
coincidence= KWOINS
Bahrain= BAOI/RA*IN
demerit= DMERT
adios= AD/YO*ES
bus station= BUFGS
I would have= *IFLD
Hindenberg= HIND/B*ERG
Titanic= TAOIKT
collateral= KLAERL
and you believed= SKPUBLD
stop it= STO*PT
Panama= PAN/MA*
Kuwait= KA/WA*IT
rooftop= RAOFPT
I could have= *IFKD
Budapest= BAOUD/P*EFT
diplomatic= DPLOEKT
motorcycle= MOIK
similarity= SLART
is it possible= STPOB
Hungary= HUNG/RAO*E
Hungarians= HUNG/GA*IRNS
Colombia= KLO*M
Yemen= YEM/*EN
as good as= SGAODZ
baseball= BAIFBL
identical= Y-L
surrogate= SURGT
doable= DOBL
conscience= K-RBS
security alarm= SKLARM
custodian= KUFNTD
cilantro= SA/LAN/TRO*E
nightmares= NAOIRMTS
orphan= OFRN
good thing= GAONG
where to= WR-TD
who made= WHOMD
fire station= FAOIRGS
epinephrine= EP/NEF/R*IN
antihistamine= AOINT/HIFT/MAO*EN
Somalia= SOE/MAL/YA*
atrocities= TRAOFTS
would I be= WOIB
dismantled= SDMANLTD
Caribbean= KRAEB
horrendous= HORNDZ
kilometers= KLORMTS
believe me= BLEFM
retiring= RIRG
bustling= BUFLGT
Liège= LAOE/*EJ
biologist= BAOILGT
Gemini= JEM/NAO*I
surprise me= SPRAOIFM
surveil= SWAIL
coincidence= KWOINS
Bahrain= BAOI/RA*IN
demerit= DMERT
adios= AD/YO*ES
bus station= BUFGS
I would have= *IFLD
Hindenberg= HIND/B*ERG
Titanic= TAOIKT
collateral= KLAERL
and you believed= SKPUBLD
stop it= STO*PT
Panama= PAN/MA*
Kuwait= KA/WA*IT
rooftop= RAOFPT
I could have= *IFKD
Budapest= BAOUD/P*EFT
diplomatic= DPLOEKT
motorcycle= MOIK
similarity= SLART
is it possible= STPOB
Hungary= HUNG/RAO*E
Hungarians= HUNG/GA*IRNS
Colombia= KLO*M
Yemen= YEM/*EN
as good as= SGAODZ
baseball= BAIFBL
identical= Y-L
surrogate= SURGT
doable= DOBL
conscience= K-RBS
security alarm= SKLARM
custodian= KUFNTD
cilantro= SA/LAN/TRO*E
nightmares= NAOIRMTS
orphan= OFRN
good thing= GAONG
where to= WR-TD
who made= WHOMD
fire station= FAOIRGS
epinephrine= EP/NEF/R*IN
antihistamine= AOINT/HIFT/MAO*EN
Somalia= SOE/MAL/YA*
atrocities= TRAOFTS
would I be= WOIB
dismantled= SDMANLTD
Caribbean= KRAEB
horrendous= HORNDZ

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January 11 2020

Briefs and Phrases From Just Mercy (Part 2)

Scene From Just Mercy
no contest= NOKT
civil rights= SIRTS
statutes of limitations= STIMS
that good= THAGD
very good= VEGD
as good as= SGAODZ
to give this= TOFGTS
good evening= GAOENG
working for= WOFRG
up or down= POUN
Mobile= MO*EBL
take the stand= TAND
mugshot= MUGT
white girl= WHAOIRL
black man= BLAN
Jackson= JAFN
choir= KHOIR
piano= PAON
baritone= BAR/TO*EN
jury= JIR
sentence= SNENS
community= KMAOUNT
interning= SBERNG
internship= SBERP
defense= D-FNS
scheduled= SK*ELD
yes, sir= YES
no, ma’am= NOM
psychology= SKOLG
murderers= MRURDZ
Alabama= AL/AL
Harvard= HA*FRD
execution= SKAOUGS
rehabilitation= RABLGS
inmates= NAITS
calvary= KAFRL
porch= POFP or POFRP
initiative= NIFRBT
decreed= DRAOED
disarmed= DARMD
chamber= KHAIM
legal= LAOEL
illegal= ILG
disbarred= SDBA*RD
kidnapper= KIRP
rescue= SKWU
thank you so much= THA*UFM
discovery= SKOIFR
transmission= TR-MGS
misconduct= SKUKT
daylight= DAILT
highlighted= HAOILTD
testimony= T-M
gunpoint= G-PT
crime scene= KRAOEN
witness= W-NS
prosecution= PR-GS
prosecutor= PR-R
fingerprints= F-PS
evidence= AEFD
Houston= HOUFNT
sheriff= SHR-F
indicted= DAOITD
felon= FLON
transcript= TRIPT
innocent= N-NT
affidavit= AFD
petition= PIRB
physical evidence= FAEFD
thank you, your Honor= THAURN
precautions= PRAUGSZ
circuit court= SKOURT
and they believed= SKPHEBLD
did you ever go= SDUFRG
perjured= P-JD
perjury= PEJ
defense counsel= D-FNL
no further questions= NOFRGS
exculpatory= SKLURPT

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January 10 2020

Briefs and Phrases From Just Mercy (Part 1)

Just Mercy Movie Poster

correctional facility= KR-FLT
motion to dismiss= MOTD or MODZ
in this case= N*IK
Your Honor= URN
object= OB
defendant’s= D*FTS
may I approach= MOEFP
may I approach the bench= MOEFPB
death penalty= DP-NLT
law firm= LAUFRM
just about to= JUBTD
death row= DROE
law school= LAOL
polygraph= POIL/GRA*F
bigot= BIGT
on the scene= OTS
lawyer= LAUR
attorneys= TOERNS
supreme court= SKORT
appeal= AEP
habeas= HAIBS
guilty= GELT
not guilty= N-G
outcome= OUK
few minutes= FAOUMTS
disclose= SKLOES
police officer= PLOIFR
robbery= ROIRB
discredit= SKRED
horrific= HOFRK
county= KOINT
condemn= KEM
arrested= ARD
kidnap= KIP
reliability= RAOIBLT
when you asked= WHUFKD
Vietnam= VAOET
shadows= SHAODZ
soccer= SKER
sewage= SAOUJ
do you remember= DOURM
he asked= HEFKD
and you can say= SKPUKS
courthouse= KHOUS

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January 8 2020

Briefs and Phrases From Joker


what’s happening= WHA*EPGS
typhoid= TAOI/FO*ID
garbage= GARJ
landlords= L-LDZ
metro= MROET
is it just= ST-JT
diary= DIR
medication= MEGS
happy= HAEP
siege= SAOEJ
skinny= SKOIN
audience= YENS
seriousness= SAOERNS
what’s your name= WHA*URN
chuckle= KHUBLG
comedy= KMAOED
paycheck= PAIK
Thomas= THOMS
comedian= KMAOEND
prestigious= PREFJZ
subway= SBAI
handicapped= H-KD
lifelong= LAOIFNG
cologne= KLONG
hysterical= STERBLG
why were you= Y*URP
elite= AOELT
poverty= POFRT
decency= SDAOENZ
administrative= MIF
psychosis= SKOEZ
narcicisstic= NAFRKT
paperwork= PAIRK
battered= BAERTD
radiator= YAERT
filthy= FOILT
skedaddle= SKA/DA*LD
Bedford= BEFRD
violently= V*LT
joker= JOERK
that’s good= THAEGD
goodnight= GAOIT
and always= SKPAULS
sidewalk= SWAUK

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October 15 2019

Briefs and Phrases From El Camino

El Camino Movie Poster
Cheeto= KHAOE/TO*E
frontier= FRAOERT
person of interest= PEFRNT
Sasquatch= SAS/SKWA*FP
Hilfiger= HIL/F*IRG
Victor= V*IRKT
magnets= MANGTS
precautionary= PRAURGS
detector= SDERKT
seat belt= SBELT
speed limit= SPAOEMT
outlaw= TLAU
accurate= KRAT
chaparral= KHAP/RA*L
insurance= SNAOURNS
sideway= SDWAI
poisoning= POIFNG
Houston= HOUFNT
critical condition= KR-N
Albuquerque= AL/BA/KW*ERK
Ficus= FAOI/K*US
horticulture= HORT/KL*UR
Easter= AO*EFRT
if we have= FWEF
soup= SOUP
encyclopedia= SKPAOED
show me= SHOEM
alphabetize= AFL/BA/TAO*IZ
engineering= GERG
pizza= PIZ
pepperoni= PEP/RO*IN
and I will be= SKP*IBL
lieutenant= LAOUNT
patrol car= TROEK
handwriting= HARNG
fingerprints= F-PS
Brita= BRIT/A*
when you were going to= WHURPGTD
colorful= KLOF
Kirby= KIRB/YI
filter= FIRLT
password= PAFRD
what are you doing= WHA*URD
overtly= OEFRLT
northbound= N*B
tattoo= TAOUT
eyebrow= AOIB
Broadway= BROI
fishplate= FIRB/PLA*IT
gussets= GUS/*ETS
welding= WELGD
for it= F*RT
be able to= BAIBLTD
I can’t believe you= YA*UBL
duffle= DUFL
Sinatra= SA/NA/TRA*
bromine= BROE/MAO*EN
pineapple= PAOIN/A*EPL
Alaska= AK/AK
Okinawa= OAK/NA/WA*
Wisconsin= WIS/WIS
social security number= SBS

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October 9 2019

Briefs and Phrases From Spiderman Far From Home

Spiderman Far From Home

kind of thing= KAOIFNG
Venice= VEN/*IS
espresso= SKPROE
leaflet= LAOEFLT
taking care= TA*ERK
taking care of= TA*EFRK
cobbler= KBLER
singularity= SIRNLT
Paris= PARZ
orbits= ORBTS
primary= PROIRM
physics= F*IFKS
Italy= IT/LI
cyclone= SAOI/KLO*EN
aloha= A/LOE/HA*
elementals= L-MT/A*LS
antenna= AN/TEN/A*
superpower= SPROUR
superhero= SPROER
spider= SPAO*IRD
Spiderman= SPAO*IRMD
Italian= AOT/TAL/YA*N
tranquilizer= TWIRLZ
Morocco= MA/ROK/O*E
quantum= KWAUMT
upgrade= AUPGD
awesome= AUFM
multiverse= MULT/V*ERS
retinol= RET/NO*L
biometric= BAOI/O*E/M*ERKT
Peter= PAO*ERT
augmented= AUG/-MTD
protocols= PROELTS
satellite= SAELT or STLAOIT
Edith= AOED/*IT
vehicle= VAOEK
Audubon= AUD/BO*N
Prague= PRAUG
Parker= PRA*RK
tactical= TABLGT
drone= DROEN
sarcasm= SKAFM
opera= OP/RA*
enriching= KBRIFP
carousel= KAR/A/S*EL
avenger= AFRNG
Berlin= BERNL
awkward= AURKD
holographic= HOL/GRA*FK
therapeutic= THAERKT
weaponized= WEPDZ
illusions= LAOUGSZ
Europe= AOURP
electromagnetic= L-MG or TROEMGT
who cares= WHOKS
software= SWA*ER
casualties= KARBLTS
Janice= JAN/*IS
projector= PRORJ
paranoid= POID
in and out= NOUT
William= WL-M
costume= KOFM
London= LOND
Netherlands= N*ERT/LA*NDZ
as fast as= SFAFTS
atmosphere= SFAER
surfboard= S*UFRBD
last time= LAFMT
this time= TH-MT
Voltron= VOL/TRO*N
contingencies= TIJSZ
give me the= GIFMT
deception= SDEPGS

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