Briefs and Phrases From The Blacklist: Season 1, Episode 2
stupid= STAOUPD
question= KWE
examiner= X-R
subject= SUBT
we go= WEG
Monday= MOND
did you have= SDUF
have you ever had= VUFRD
notify= NOIF
surrendered= SRERND/-D
convicted= VIKTD
yes or no= YORN
immunity= KBAOUNT
cooperate= KAOPT
criminal= KRINL
justice department= JEPT
legal= LAOEL
status= STAUS
network= TWORK
Syrian= SYRN
Syrians= SYRNS
husband= HUS
coma= KMA
altercation= ALT/KA*IGS
idea= Y-D
urgency= URGZ
incident= DIN
industrial= STRIL
ambulance= BLANS
we need= WEFRN
prisoner= PRIRS
patriot= PROIT
comprehensive= KPREFNS
actively= TIFL
I don’t think= YONG
attorney general= TOERNG
truthful= TRAOUF
to the best of your knowledge= TURJ
multiple= MUMT
information= N-FGS
informant= NFNT
rescue= SKWU
passenger= PAERNG
under the= N-RT
gun= G-N
passports= PAFRPTS
so you could= SOUKD
derailed= DRAILD
attention= TAENGS
terrorism= TRIFM
casualties= KARBLTS
Albany= AL/BA*EN
apparently= PAERNLT
powerful= POUF
how this= HOUTS
otherwise= OERZ
would you like= WOUBLG
accident= SD-
premeditated= PRAOEMTD
disguised= SGAOIFD
Moscow= MOS/K*OU
shall I go= SHAIG
building= BL-G
collapses= KLAPSZ
Brahmaputra= BRA/MA/PAOU/TRA*
story= STOIR
victims= VIMS
heroes= HOERS
murder= MURD
killings= KILGS
tragedies= TRAJDZ
appellate= AEPT
French= FREFP
diplomat= DPLOEMT
pattern= PAERN
emerge= MAOERJ
civilians= SIFNLS
unique= YAOEK
contractor= KRRT
significant= SIG
population= POPGS
governments= GOFTS
terrorist= TRIFT
organizations= ORGSZ
New York= NORK
deliberate= DLIBT
we find= WEFND
I don’t find= YOFND
freelancer= FRAOERNL
e-mails= AOEMS
I don’t have= YOF
intermediary= SBAOERMD
might be= MAOIB
perhaps= PRAPS
maybe= MAEB
you should= URBSD
where would= WR-LD
who else= WHOELS
have you= VU
I want= IPT
surveillance= SWAINS
liaison= LAOIFN or LAIFN
shadow= SHAOD
if you go= FUG
police= PLIS
felony= FLOIN
impossible= KBOB
deny= D-N
registered= REJD
let me= LEM
restaurant= STRAUNT
dinner= DIRN
recognition= R-GS
database= DBS
aviation= AIFGS
tell me= TL-M
fascinated= FAEFNTD
debriefs= SDBRAOEFS
distance= SDANS
does he know= DAO*EN
excuse me= SKAOUM
show me= SHOEM
compromised= KPROM
asset= SAET
payment= PAIMT
thesis= THAOEZ
guarantee= GAERNT
identify= AOIF
capture= KPUR
nonprofit= N-P
cartel= KARLT
campaign= KPAIN
eliminate= L*IM
rival= RIFL
addiction= DIX
disrupt= SDRUPT
schedules= SKELDZ
photos= PHOETS
trivial= TRIFL
lawyers= LAURS
encrypted= KBRIPTD
millimeter= MAOERMT
I don’t even= YOFN
device= DWAOIS
bodyguard= BOERGDZ
last name= LAFN
economics= KMIKS
justify= JUF
navigate= NAFGT
so you want= SOUPT
so you know= SOUN
typically= TOIM
o’clock= KL-K
symbol= SBOL
as bad as= SBADZ
succumbed= SKOMD
solidarity= SLORD
last time= LAFMT
compound fracture= KPRAUR
diversion= DWERGS
occupied= OUPD
elite= AOELT
good night= GAOIT
humanitarian= HAOURMT
barbiturates= BARBTS
medic= MEKD
slavery= SLOIFR
naive= NAOEF
hotel= HOELT
definitely= DAFL
avoiding= WOIG
intercept= SBREPT
nervous= NEFS
biological= BL-L