January 7 2016

Briefs and Phrases From The Blacklist: Season 1, Episode 1

The Blacklist
must be= MUB
to be= TOB
good afternoon= GAFRN
do you have= DOUF
I do not= YO*NT
Washington= WARB/WARB
agent= AGT
confirm= K-FRM
tattoos= TAOUTS
volunteered= VOED
mission= MIGS
briefcase= BRAIEFK
alias= AILZ
does he want= DAOEPT
services= S-FSZ
do you want= DOUPT
navel= NAEFL
academy= DWAD
graduated= GRAUTD
by the time= BIMT
admiral= DMIRL
Christmas= KMAS
officer= OIFR
disappears= SPAERS
earth= *ERT
facilitator= FAEFRLT
enterprise= SBRAOIS
criminals= KRINLS
country= KUNT
political= PLIL
agenda= JAEND
allegiance= LAOEJS
online= AONL
authority= THORT
consulate= KOUNLT
you want= UPT
I want= IPT
customs= KUFMS
latent= LAINT
airline= AIRL
alive= LOIF
at least= TLAOEFT
familiar= FAM
territory= TERT
and I will= SKPIL
from this point= FRIPT
Elizabeth= AO*ELZ
seriously= SAOERLZ
what time= WHAMT
first day= FIRD
committee= KMAOE
coffee= KO*EF
minutes= MINS
backwards= BAURKDZ
beautiful= BAOUF
I think= AOING
family= FAEM
I don’t think= YONG
yes, sir= YES
terrorism= TRIFM
can you tell us= KUTS
agency= AEG
profile= PROIL
footprint= FOOPT
history= HIFT
New York= NORK
yourself= YOURZ
I’m sorry= AOIMS
bureau= BRAOUR
emergency= M-J
murders= MURDZ
extortion= STORGS
colleagues= KLAOEGS
disconnected= SKEKTD
forensic= FRINS
psychology= SKOLG
specifically= SPEFL
manipulated= MIPD
obviously= OEFLS
facility= FAELT
building= BL-G
variety= VAIRT
covert= KWERT
post office= POFS
if you need= FUFRN
pleasure= PLERB
highlights= HAOILTS
special= SPERB
diversion= DWERGS
some kind of= SMAOIF
how do you know= HAOUN
notorious= NOERBS
overcome= VUM
so much= SOFP
at you= TU
abandoned= BAUND
career= KRAOER
famous= FAIMS
establishing= BLIRBG
opinion= P-N
excuse me= SKAOUM
adoption= DOPGS
appointment= POIMT
classified= KLAFD
too much= TAOFP
alone= LAON
listen= L-N
punch= PUFP
daughter= DAUR
guns= G-NS
I got this= *IGTS
if you want= FUPT
careful= KAIF
hazmat= HAZ/MA*T
chemical= KHEM
proceeding= PRAOEG
alternate= NAET
I think so= INGS
weapon= WEP
how about= HOUB
palm= PAUM
what you want= WHAUPT
differently= DIFNL
how should= HOURB
interesting= TR-G
fellow= FLEL
munition= MAOUNGS
expensive= XEFNS
freelancer= FRAOERNL
any of this= NITS
protocols= PROETLS
Nipah= NAOE/PA*
virus= VAOIRS
poisoning= POIFNG
chemist= KHEFMT
return= RURN
capture= KPUR
if you think= FUNG
gentleman= JA
interrogating= SBROERGT/-G
husband= HUS
too far= TAOFR
did you do= SDUD
what else= WHAELS
do you know= DAOUN
speculation= SPLAIGS
did this= SD-TS
tell me= TL-M
what happened= WHAPD
partner= PARN
I don’t know= YON
he said= -EDZ
casualties= KARBLTS
carotid= KAR/T*ID or KA/ROT/T*ID
blossoms= BLOFMS
children= KHIRN
on this= ONTS
legacy= LEGZ
did he say= SDES
did you see= SDUZ
tattoo= TAOUT
Maryland= MAERLD
signal= SNAL
less than= LAEFN
civilian= CIFNL
sweatshirt= SWIRT
business= BIS
picture= PIR
intelligence= TEJS
good faith= GA*ET
publicity= PUBT
campaign= KPAIN
contest= KEFT
encrypted= KBRIPTD
millimeter= MIRMT
security= SKAOURT
applicants= PLINTS
daylight= DAILT
state of the= STAIFT
technology= T-J
human beings= HAOUBS
discovered= SKOFRD

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January 6 2016

Medical Briefs From House: Season 1, Episode 1

House MDseizure= SHURZ or SHAOEZ or SHAORZ
deterioration= DRAEGS
diagnosis= D-GS
tumor= TAOURM
diagnostician= D-FGS
oncologist= ON/KOLGT or AON/KOLGT
infectious= NFKT/SH*US
cancers= KAERNS
radiation= YAEGS
dispositive= DIS/POF or DIZ/POF
patients= PAIRBTS
doctor= DR-
CAT scan= SKA*T
aneurysm= AN/R*IFM
ischemic= IS/KHEM/*IK or IS/KHEM/M*IK
syndrome= SDROEM
Creutzfeldt-Jacob= KRUTS/FELD/JAI/KO*B
disease= D-Z
encephalopathy= EN/SEF/LOP/TH*I
thiamine= THAOI/MAO*EN
blood= BLAOD
blood test= BLAOT
blood tests= BLAOTS
corollary= KOR/LA*ER or KLAER
radiology= RAOLG
respiratory= RERPT
clinic= KLIN
diagnostic= D-GT
medicine= MED
inject= N-JT
gadolinium= GAD/LIM/Y*UM or GAD/O*E/LIN/Y*UM or GAD/A/LIN/Y*UM
vein= VAIN
magnetic resonance imaging= MR*I/MR*I
claustrophobic= KLAUFT/FO*IK
allergic= LERJ
epi= EP/YI
ventilate= VENY/LA*IT
edema= A/DAOE/MA*
surgical= SURL
throat= THROET
genetic= GENGT
inflammatory= KBLARMT
aspirin= SPRIN
cough= KAUF
spasm= SPAFM
jaundice= JAUNDZ or JAUN/D*IS
exam room= X-RM or XRAOM
niacin= NAOI/A/S*IN or NAOI/S*IN
inhaler= KBAIRL
oxygen= SHEN
asthma= SMA
stimulant= STIM/LA*NT
substances= SB-S
inflame= KBLAIM
contract= KR-T
mucus= MAOUKS
steroids= STERDZ
inflammation= KBLAMGS
urgent= URGT
prednisone= PRED/NA/SO*EN
cerebral= KRAOEBL
blood vessels= BLAOFLS
neurological= NAOUR/L*L
biopsy= BAOIPZ
diagnose= D-G
vomiting= VOMT/-G
alternative= NAEFT
psittacosis= SIT/A/KO*EZ
complications= KPLIX
sanitary= SAN/TA*ER
contaminants= TAMTS
medication= MEGS
research= REFP
prescribe= PRAOIB
hospital= HOPT
diagnoses= D-GSZ
treatment= TRAOEMT
symptoms= STOMS
vascular= VAFBLG or VAFRBLG
headaches= HAEKS
fibromyalgia= FAOI/BROE/MAOI/ALG
Vicodin= VAOIK/D*IN
painful= PAIFL
toxins= TOX/*INS
neurocysticercosis= NAOUR/SIS/TA/SER/KO*EZ
neurologist= NAOURLGT
bowel= BOUL
intestine= SBEFNT
bloodstream= BLAOFM
immune system= KBAOUMT
secretions= SKRAOEGSZ
eosinophil= AOE/O*E/SIN/F*IL
normal= NOL
abnormal= BORL
infarction= IN/FARX
heart attack= HAURK
pulmonary= PUL/NA*ER
embolism= KBLIFM
bodies= BOEDZ
mentally= MAENL
incompetent= IP
invasive= IN/VAIFS
density= D*ENTS
albendazole= AL/BEN/DA/SO*EL or AL/BEND/SO*EL
abdominal= ABL
nausea= NAUZ/YA*
dizziness= DOIFNS
fever= FAOEFR

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January 5 2016

Rules Of Grammar: Chile, Chile, Chilly, and Chili

Rules Of Grammar LogoChile is a South American country that is located along the Pacific coastline. Chile (spelled with a lowercase “c”) is an alternative spelling of the word “chili.” The Free Dictionary defines “chili” as follows: “The pungent fresh or dried fruit of any of several cultivated varieties of capsicum, used especially as a flavoring in cooking.” And of course, “chilly” means frigid.

Here are some machine briefs to differentiate between the four sound-alike words:

chilly= KHIL/YI
chili= KHIL/LI
Chile= KH*IL/LAO*E
chile= KHIL/LAO*E

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January 1 2016

2016 Dictionary Challenge

Last year, I started using the deluxe encyclopedia edition of “The New International Webster’s Comprehensive Dictionary” as the main resource for my dictionary building. I was able to complete A-C.

I ended 2015 with a total of 160,077 dictionary entries. I made over 47,000 new entries to my dictionary in the last 12 months. I realize this may seem like an extreme amount of entries to stenographers who have a minimalist-dictionary preference. However, my preference is to have various deviations of word entries. I’m more comfortable with my writing when I feel like I have as much ground as possible covered. Also, I enjoy going through the dictionary word-for-word. It helps me to build my vocabulary and become more familiar with some not-so-common words.

In 2016, I hope to get through some more letters of the alphabet. I’m currently on page 327 of the aforementioned dictionary (Volume A-Na). If I can enter an average of a page of the dictionary a day into my dictionary, I should be able to get through to the letter J by the end of the year. This is my goal for 2016.

I’ll periodically post my progress regarding this challenge throughout 2016.

Have a great 2016!

Love, Speed, and Accuracy,

Elsie Villega

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January 1 2016

Friday Phrases: And Phrases Part 12

Friday Phrases Logo
and I feel= SKPIFL
and I felt= SKPIFLT
and I find= SKPIFND
and I get= SKPIGT
and I go= SKPIG
and I go to the= SKPIGTD
and I got= SKP*IGT
and I had= SKPID
and I hadn’t= SKPID/-NT
and I happen= SKPIP
and I happened= SKPIPD
and I have= SKPIF
and I have been= SKPIFB
and I have been the= SKPIFBT
and I have believed= SKPIFBLD
and I have gone= SKPIFG
and I have had= SKPIFD
and I have not= SKPIFNT
and I have the= SKPIFT
and I haven’t= SKPIF/-NT
and I just= SKPIJT
and I know= SKPIN

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