August 18 2016

Theory Thursday: Suffix Briefs Part 3

I Love Steno The Student Edition (Cropped)
The following are briefs for suffixes: (Note: When d-defining, don’t forget to define the briefs with the format symbol for suffixes.)

{Suffix}back= BA*K
{Suffix}bar= BA*R
{Suffix}cate= KA*IT
{Suffix}cation= KA*IGS
{Suffix}ch= *FP
{Suffix}cate= KA*IT
{Suffix}chology= KOLG
{Suffix}cial= RBL
{Suffix}co= KO*E
{Suffix}cologist= KOLGT
{Suffix}com= KO*M
{Suffix}come= Ku*M

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August 15 2016

Briefs And Phrases From Batman v. Superman: Dawn Of Justice

Batman vs Superman
diamond= DAOIMD
absolutes= SLUS
in the= N-T
beautiful= BAOUF
listen= L-N
windows= WIDZ
sorry= SOR
circuits= SIRKTS
will you please= LUP
I can’t feel= YAFL
journalist= JURNLT
what I am= WHA*IM
is a= SA
I didn’t know= YIN
ignorance= GORNS
you will see= ULZ
village= VIL
mercy= MERZ
let the record show= LORS
committee= KMAOE
answer= AENS
what he should= WHAIRBD
what happened= WHAPD
I don’t care= YOK
apartment= PARMT
I don’t understand= YONDZ
I don’t know= YON
productive= PROUFKT
theory= THAOER
indeed= N-D
criminals= KRINLS
justice= JUS
tortured= TAOURTD
assaulted= SAULTD
essentially= SERBL
sentence= SNENS
mayor= MAIR
company= K-P
profound= PROFND
enough= NUF
bottom= BOT
ocean= OEGS
deterrent= DERNT
deterrence= DERNS
I said= IDZ
backup= BUP
football= FAOBL
glory= GLOIR
perimeter= PRIRMT
access= SKES
misfortune= SFORN
did you= SDU
senator= SNOR
silly= SLI
do you= DOU
upside= UPDZ
secretary= SEKT
outside= OUDZ
Africa= FRIK
incident= DIN
combatant= KBANT
inherit= HERT
business= BIS
continually= TLNL
residence= REFNS
he needs= EFRNDZ
income= N-K
library= LAOIB
humanity= HAOUMT
elevator= L-FRT
corridor= KOERD
bathroom= BARM
upstairs= UPTS
in your= NYOUR
knowledge= NOJ
daily= DAIL
habit= HABT
liberties= LIBTS
editorial= YIRLT
history= HIFT
hello= HO*EL
transfer= TR-FR
governor= GOFR
percent= PERS
figure= FIG
political= PLIL
controversy= TROEFZ
existence= XIFNS
United States= UNTS
let me= LEM
pursue= PRAOU
police= PLIS
nickel= NIBLG
photograph= FOF
I don’t think= YONG
inclination= KBLINGS
glove compartment= GLOFMT
did you get= SDUGT
dirty= DOIRT
mineral= MIRNL
thousands= THOUS
millions= M-LS
I don’t believe= YOBL
determine= DERM
democracy= DMOK
junior= J-R
historic= HIFKT
witness= W-NS
consent= SKENT
confirming= K-FRMG
suspected= S-PTD
wheelchair= WHAOEK
all this= AULTS
efficiency= FIRBZ
genetic= JENGT
acknowledge= NAOJ
at you= TU
memory= MEM
proceed= PRAOED
I remember= IRM
legacy= LEGZ
railroads= RAIRLDZ
real estate= RAE
feisty= FAOIFT
circles= S-LS
they go= THEG
problem= BLEM
can you be= KUB
actually= TWAEL
yes, I do= YOID
on the ground= OG
at the= TE
massive= MAFS
barricade= BAIRKD
minute= MIN
successfully= SKL-FL
bicycle= BAOIBLG
at all= TA*UL
personnel= SNEL
they need= THEFRN
promise= PROM
dozen= DOZ
believe me= BLEFM
out of= OUF
Mr. President= MR-PT
downtown= DWOUN
abandoned= BAUND
century= SEN
forehead= FHED
restrain= STRAEN

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August 8 2016

Medical Monday: Deuteropathy

Deuteropathy is “a disease that occurs secondary to another.”

Machine Briefs:

OPTION #1: deuteropathy= DAOURT/ROP/TH*I
OPTION #2: deuteropathy= DAOURT/ROP/THAO*E
OPTION #3: deuteropathy= DAOURT/ROP/PA/TH*I
OPTION #4: deuteropathy= DAOURT/ROP/PA/THAO*E
OPTION #5: deuteropathy= DAOURT/ROP/A/TH*I
OPTION #6: deuteropathy= DAOURT/ROP/A/THAO*E
OPTION #7: deuteropathy= DAOUT/*ER/ROP/PA/TH*I
OPTION #8: deuteropathy= DAOUT/*ER/ROP/PA/THAO*E
OPTION #9: deuteropathy= DAOURT/ROE/PA*ET
OPTION #10: deuteropathy= DAOUT/*ER/ROE/PA*T/YI
OPTION #11: deuteropathy= DAOUT/*ER/ROE/PA*ET

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August 5 2016

Friday Phrases

Friday Phrases Logo
within normal limits= W-NL
taxicab driver= TAEBD
taxicab drivers= TAEBDZ
taxicab driver’s= TA*EBDZ
so I wanted= SOIPTD
so I was= SOIFS
point of origin= POIJ
payroll tax= PAIRLT
payroll taxes= PAIRLTS

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Category: Briefs | LEAVE A COMMENT
August 5 2016


“It was exhausting. We were always tired, but everybody’s tired when they’re trying to succeed. That’s when most people quit. But we knew success was just around the corner” -Loren Ridinger

Love, Speed & Accuracy,

Elsie Villega

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