March 11 2019

Medical Briefs From House: Season 1, Episode 12

House Season 1 Episode 12
osteopenia= OFT/YOE/PAOEN/YA*
tumors= TAOURMS
kidney= KAOEND
cancer= KAERN
steroids= STERDZ
urine= AOURN
morphine= MOFRN
opiates= OEP/YA*ITS
oncology= ON/KO*LG
corneas= KORN/YA*S
constipation= SKPAIGS
nitrous= NAOI/TR*US
oxide= XAOID
dentist= D-NTS
proteins= PRAOENS
amyloidosis= AM/LOI/DO*EZ
lymphoma= LIM/FOE/MA*
biopsy= BAOIPZ
abdominal= ABL
biochemists= BAOI/O*E/KH*EMTS
Lupron= LAOU/PRO*N
hypogonadism= HOIP/GOE/NAD/IFM
calcium= KALS/Y*UM
respiratory= RERPT
placebo= PLAEFB
impaired= KBAIRD
testosterone= TES/TOS/T*ERN
arsenic= ARS/N*IK
mercury= MERK/RAO*E
testicle= TEFT/KA*L
Addison= AD/SO*N
Addison’s= AD/SO*N
gallbladders= GAUL/BLA*ERD
muscle= MUFL
forehead= FHED
rectal= REK/TA*L
pregnant= PREG
condition= K-N
abortion= BORGS
terminates= TERMTS
fetus= FAOETS
chest= KHEFT
tachycardia= TAK/YI/KARD/YA*
insulin= SLIN
potassium= POE/TA*FM
crash cart= KRARBT
atropine= AT/TRO/PAO*EM
Kayexalate= KAI/EX/LA*IT
stabilize= STAIBLZ
stable= STAIBL
migraine= MAOIRNG
digitalis= DIJT/*IS
swelling= SWELG
prescription= PRIPGS
hallucinate= HAOULT
hallucination= HAOULGS
suicide= SWAOID
breathing= BRAO*EGT
diapers= DAOIRPS
abort= BORT
healthy= HOILT
cadmium= KAD/MAOE/Y*UM
testes= TES/TAO*ES

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February 4 2019

Medical Briefs From House: Season 1, Episode 11

House Season 1 Episode 11
pharmaceuticals= FARLS
Vicodin= VAOIK/D*IN
internal= SBERNL
bleeding= BLAOEGD
pain medication= PAIMGS
hemolytic= HAOEM/L*IKT
blood cells= BLAOLS
anemia= A/NAOEM/YA*
meds= M*EDZ
meningitis= MEN/JAO*ITS
haptoglobin= HAP/TOE/GLOE/B*IN
serum= SERM
bilirubin= BIL/YI/RAOUB/*IN
heart= HART
valve= VAFL
differential= D*IFRNL
infection= N-FX
fever= FAOEFR
lupus= LAOUP/*US
cancer= KAERN
lymphoma= LIM/FOE/MA*
radioimmunoassay= RAO/KBAOUN/O*E/A/SA*I
pharmacist= FARMT
chakra= SHOK/RA*
infarction= IN/FARGS
detoxing= DAOE/TOX/-G
nausea= NAUS/YA*
narcotics= NARKTS
clinic= KLIN
blood system= BLAOFMT
negative= NEF
radioactive= RAO/T*IF
isotope= AOIS/TO*EP
inflammation= KBLAMGS
body= BOED
joint= JOINT
sensitivity= SNEFT
rashes= RARBS
diagnosed= D-GD
allergic= LERJ
immune system= KBAOUFMT
circulatory system= SL-RTS or SLAERTS
circulatory= SL-RT or SLAERT
positive= POF
treatable= TRAOEBL
pancreatic= PAIN/KRAO*EKT
lymph= L*IFRP
abdominal= ABL
cells= KRELS
gallium= GAL/Y*UM
hematocrit= HAOE/MAT/KR*IT
oxygen= SHEN
suffocate= SUFKT
lungs= LUNGS
eye= AOI
retinal= RET/NA*L
clot= KLOT
surgery= SURG
diagnosis= D-GS
platelet= PLAIT/-LT
tachycardia= TAK/YI/KARD/YA*
withdrawal= WRAUL
symptoms= STOMS
depression= DPREFGS
side effects= SFEKTS
insomnia= IN/SOM/YA*
biopsy= BAOIPZ
cardiac= KARKD
arteries= AERTS
echocardiograph= EK/O*E/KR-F
antibiotics= AEBTS
masseuse= MA/SAO*US
blood clot= BLAOKT
massage= MAFJ
diagnostic= D-GT
dosage= DOEFJ
kidneys= KAOENDZ
kidney= KAOEND
transplant= TRAPLT
numb= NUM
pressure= PRERB
organ= GORN
hepatitis= HEP/TAO*ITS
Cytoxan= SAOI/TOX/A*N
plasmapheresis= PLAS/MA/FER/RAO*EZ
treatment= TRAOEMT
deteriorate= DRAET
medical school= MAOL
solumedrol= SOL/AOU/MED/RO*L
hep= H*EP
blood tests= BLAOTS
hepatitis= HEPTS
angiography= ANG/YOE/GRA*EF
stat= STAT
hypovolemic= HOIP/VOE/LAOEM/*EUBG
hemodynamic= HAOEM/O*E/DAO*ING
psychosis= SKOEZ
hallucinating= HAOULGT
hallucination= HAOULGS
orifice= OR/F*IS
blood type= BLAOP
transfusions= TRANZ/FAOUGSZ
lupoid= LAOU/PO*ID
naphthalene= NAF/LAO*EN
immunosuppressant= KBAOUN/O*E/SPR*EFNT
naphthalene= NAF/LAO*EN
autopsy= AUPZ
poison= POIFN
poisoning= POIFNG
calories= KAL/RAO*ES

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January 2 2019

Medical Briefs From House: Season 1, Episode 10

House Season 1 Episode 10
overdose= AUFRDZ
tox= TO*X
delusion= DLAOUGS
lesions= LAOEGSZ
cancerous= KAERN/*US
twitch= TWIFP
human= HAOUM
fist= FIFT
Ativan= AT/VA*N
discharged= DARJD
blood sugar= BLAORG
diabetes= DAOIBTS
insulin= SLIN
seizure= SHURZ
tumor= TAOURM
neurologist= NAOURLGT
neurological= NAOUR/L-L
differential= D*IFRNL
patient= PAIRBT
subdural= SUB/DURL
hematoma= HAOEMT
cranial= KRAINL
trauma= TRAUM
allergies= LAOERJS
medication= MEGS
diagnoses= D-GSZ
medical treatment= MAOEMT
chemical= KHEM
magnesium= MAG/NAOEZ/Y*UM
calcium= KALS
electrolyte= TROE/LAO*IT
imbalance= KBAL
negative= NEG
tetanus= TET/N*US
implants= KBLANTS
surgical= SURL
surgically= SLURL
specialty= SPERBT
iron= AOIRN
dextran= DEX/TRA*N
anemia= NOIM
allergic= LERJ
respiratory arrest= RERPT/AR
conscious= KONS
depression= DPREFGS
Prozac= PROE/SA*K
ultrasounds= URLT/SOUND
abdominal= ABL
ovarian= OEFRN
oncologist= ON/KOLGT
blood work= BLAORK
cancer= KAERN
symptoms= STOEMS
neoplastic= NAOE/O*E/PLAFK
syndrome= SDROEM
ovaries= OEF/RAO*ES
cystic= SIFKT
necrosis= NA/KRO*EZ
tuberculoma= TAOU/BERK/LOE/MA*
rifampin= RA/FAM/P*IN
Streptomycin= STREP/TOE/MAO*IFN
antibiotics= AEBTS
poison= POIFN
biopsy= BAOIPZ
temperature= TEM
treatment= TRAOEMT
serotonin= SER/TOE/N*IN
urine= AOURN
cultures= KLURS
X-ray= XRAI
scalpels= SKAL/P*ELS
Bromocryptene= BROE/MOE/KRIP/TAO*EN
abrasions= BRAIGSZ
wrist= WR*IS
nose= NOEZ
lumbar= LUM/BAR
puncture= PURNGT
gram stain= GRAM/ST
meningitis= MEN/JAO*ITS
infection= N-FX
ceftriaxone= SEF/TRAOI/AX/O*N
sedated= SDAITD
nurse= NURS
Haldol= HAL/DO*L
milligrams= M-RMS
bacterial= BABLGT
kidney= KAOEND
Cacchi Ricci= KAK/YI/RAOE/KHAO*E
Korsakoff= KORS/A/K*OF
thiamine= THAOI/MAO*EN
heart= HART
rhythm= R*IMT
adenosine= A/DEN/SAO*EN
tachycardia= TAK/YI/KARD/YA*
superventricular= SPR-/VEN/TRIK/LA*R
arrhythmia= A/R*IT/MAOE/YA*
heart disease= HARDZ
fever= FAOEFR
numbness= NUM/-NS
deficiency= DPIRBZ
neuropathy= NAOUR/ROP/THAO*E
hydrophobia= HAOIRD/FOIB
sensitivity= SNEFT
disorientation= DOERNGS
paranoia= PAR/NOI/YA*
rabies= RAIBS

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December 20 2018

Medical Briefs From House: Season 1, Episode 9

House Season 1 Episode 9
sputum= SPAOUMT
ambulance= BLANS
paralysis= PARLS
hospital= HOPT
lobar= LOE/BA*R
pneumonia= NAOUM
primary physician= PROIRMGS
surgeries= SURGS
residency= R-Z
sats= SATS
nasal= NAIFL
canula= KA/NAOU/LA*
stabilized= STAIBLDZ
antibiotics= AEBTS
physiology= FIZ/OLG
septic= SEP/T*IK
thyroid= THROID
function= FUNGS
blood= BLAOD
tongue= TOUNG
diagnosis= D-GS
Lou Gehrig’s= LAOU/GER/R*IGS
disease= D-Z
treatment= TRAOEMT
Guillain Barre= GAOE/LA*N/BA/RA*I
reversible= RAOEFRBL
transverse= TRANZ/VERS
myelitis= MAOILTS
negative= NEF
nerves= NEFRBS
antibodies= AOINT/BOEDZ
neuropathy= NAOUR/ROP/PA*ET
steroids= STERDZ
Synthroid= SIN/THRO*ID
status= STAUS
milligrams= M-RMS
medications= MEGSZ
insulin= SLIM
diabetes= DAOIBTS
nurse= NURS
sensation= SENGS
feet= FAOET
heart disease= HARDZ
lung= LING
mucus= MAOUKS
heparin= HEP/R*IN
intubate= IN/TAOUBT
respiratory= RERPT
medicine= MED
ventilator= VENT/LA*IRT
oxygenating= SHEN/NA*IGT
tubed= TAOUBD
patient= PAIRBT
vasculitis= VAFK/LAO*ITS
granulomatosis= GRAN/AOU/LOE/MA/TO*EZ
Wegener’s= WEG/N*ERS
bronchoscopic= BRO*NG/O*E/SKO*PK
suctioning= SUK/SH*UNG
biopsy= BAOIPZ
restraining order= STRO
life support= LORT
wheelchair= WHAOERK
medical= MEL
depression= DPREFGS
fingers= FIRNGS
body= BOED
Cytoxan= SAOI/TOX/A*N
inflammation= KBLAMGS
pharmacy= FARMZ
immobilized= KBOEBLDZ
blood tests= BLAOTS
paralyzed= PARLDZ
conditions= K-NS
stroke= STROEK
blood clots= BLAOKTS
angiogram= ANG/YOE/GRA*M
embolic= EM/BLIK
embolus= EM/BLUS
clot= KLOT
brain= BRAIN
heparin= HEP/R*IN
embolectomy= EM/BOE/LEK/TO*EM
carotid= KROTD
calf= KAFL
enzyme= SAO*IM
anti-inflammatories= AOINT/KBLARMT
diagnostic= D-GT
cauda equina= KAU/DA*/A/KWAOI/NA*
anterior= AOR
venous= VAO*ENS
malformation= MAL/FORMGS
intra-dural= SBRA/DAO*URL
compressing= KPR*EGS
anatomic= NAO*KT
scar tissue= SKIRB
pain= PAIN

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December 10 2018

Medical Monday: Pyelitis

Pyelitis is, “Inflammation of the pelvis and calices of the kidneys.”


OPTION #1: pyelitis= PAOI/LAO*ITS
OPTION #2: pyelitis= PAOI/LAOIT/T*IS
OPTION #3: pyelitis= PAOI/LAOIT/*IS
OPTION #4: pyelitis= PAOI/LAOI/T*IS
OPTION #5: pyelitis= PAOI/A/LAO*ITS
OPTION #6: pyelitis= PAOI/A/LAOI/T*IS
OPTION #7: pyelitis= PAOI/A/LAOIT/*IS
OPTION #8: pyelitis= PAOI/A/LAOIT/T*IS

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October 16 2018

Medical Briefs & Phrases From, “Life Is Not An Accident” By: Jay Williams (Part 1)

Life Is Not An Accident
atrophy= TRAOEF or TROF
nerve= NEFRB
hip= HIP
therapy= THAERP
physical therapy= FAERP
physical therapist= FAERPT
tendon= TEN/DO*N
tendons= TEN/DO*NS
armpits= ARM/P*ITS
forearms= FROERMS
left foot= L*FT
right foot= R*FT
scope= SKOEP
range of motion= ROM
artery= AERT
knee= NAOE
kneecap= NAOE/KA*P
left knee= LAOE
recovery= ROIFR
femoral= FEM/RA*L
hospital= HOPT
doctors= DR-S
medication= MEGS
injury= JER
healthy= HOILT
joint= JOINT
arthritis= THRAOITS
sacrum= SKRUM

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