February 6 2017

Briefs, Phrases, and Legal Terminology From Boston Legal Season 1, Episode 4


at this time= TIT
discharge= DARJ
vested= VEFTD
confess= FES
confessed= FEFD
confessing= FEFG
murder= MURD
criminal= KRINL
she goes= SHEGS
represent= REP
company= K-P
assistance= SIFNS
ordinarily= O*ERLD
convicted= VIKTS
crime= KRAOIM
violates= VAOILTS
morals= MO*RLS
clause= KLAUS
contract= KR-T
exhausted= XAUFTD
conventional= KWENLGS
I don’t care= YOK
practice= PRA
gun= G-N
panic= PA*NG
life= LAOIF
sentence= SNENS
trigger= TRIRG
security= SKAOURT
officer= OIFR
defendant= D-FT
rules of= RAOUFLS
beautiful= BAOUF
allergic= LERJ
unfortunately= UFRNLT
reliable= RAOIBL
consistent= KAONT
with the= W-T
justice= JUS
widow= DWO
humanize= HAOUMZ
plea= PLAOE
strategic= STRAOEJ
doctor= DR-
undercover= NOFR
chief= KHAOEF
witness= W-NS
prosecution= PR-GS
first time= FIRMT
center= STR-
nervous= NEFS
weapon= WEP
office= OFS
gentleman= JA
precisely= PRAOIFL
information= N-FGS
dizziness= DOINS
confusion= KWAOUGS
courthouse= KHOUS
malpractice= M-P
inferiority= FAORT
complex= KPLEX
pity= POIT
anxiety= ANGT
cross examine= KR-K
nuance= NAOUNS
shadow= SHAOD
do you really= DO*URL
I do not want= YO*PT
associates= SOERBTS
religious= R-JS
positive= POF
police officer= PLOIFR
disciplined= SPLIND
privileges= PRIFS
suspended= SWEND
neurology= NAOURLG
trauma= TRAUM
extensive= STEFNS
delusional= DLAOULGS
suffer= SUFR
medical certainty= *MS
conceivable= SKAOEFBL
objection= OX
sustained= STAEND
police= PLIS
testify= TEF
regulations= RELGSZ
defense= D-FNS
allegiance= LAOEJS
brilliant= BRIL
reconcile= SKAOIL
do you care= DOUK
do you like= DOUBLG
pretending= PRENGD
license plate= LNLT
in the hospital= NOPT
conviction= VIX
lawyer= LAUR
coerced= KOERS/-D
for example,= FOERX
you could= UKD
have a= VA
clergy= KLERJ
arrest= AR-
investigate= VEGT
evidence= AEFD
forensics= FRENSZ
evidently= AEFLT
intimidation= SBIMGS
integrity= SBEGT
foreperson= FOERP
unanimous= NANS
verdict= VERD
first-degree murder= F-MD
members of the jury= MEJS
deputy= DPAOUT
retained= TRAEND
schedule= SKELD
adjourned= JAURND
appeal= AEP
transcript= TRIPT
honorable= HONL
closing= KLOEGS
alcohol= KHOL
device= DWAOIS
pattern= PAERN
forward= FAORD

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January 13 2017

Briefs, Phrases, and Legal Terminology From Boston Legal Season 1, Episode 3


jury= JIR
I don’t think= YONG
sincerity= SNAOERT
maintenance= MAINS
construction= KRUX
this is= TH-S
months= MOS
forehead= FHED
specialty= SPERBLT
champions= KHAONS
I do not need= YO*FRN
contribute= KR-BT
city council= SKOUNL
officer= OIFR
of the= F-T
capacity= KPAFT
facility= FAEFLT
procedural= PRAOERL
sexual harassment= SWARMT
basis= BAZ
disqualify= SQ-F
conduct= KUKT
eyewitness= Y-NS
litigation= LIGS
accident= SD-
so forth= SFO*RT
compromises= KPROMS
decent= DAOENT
eliminate= L*IM
distinction= DINGS
administration= M-RGS environmental= VAOIRNL
endangered= SBAIJD
species= SPAOES
president= P-T
romantic= ROEMT
at first= TWIRS
I think= AOING
lunches= LUFPS
pursue= PRAOU
eventually= VAENL
brokerage= BROERJ
ratification= ROIFGS
prospective= PROFPT
employers= PLOIFRS
depict= DPIKT
or not= ORNT
embarrassment= KBARMT
guilty= GELT
what happened= WHAPD
pictures= PIRS
cross-examination= KR-GS
research= REFP
testify= TEF
I didn’t see= YIZ
vicious= VIRBS
obstacles= STABLGS
trivialize= TRIFLZ
apologize= JAOIZ
outburst= TB*URS
unemployment= NROIMT
benefitting= BEFG
billion dollar= B-LD
lawsuit= LAUT
ladies and gentlemen= LAIJ
ladies and gentlemen of the jury= LAIJS
reasonable doubt= -RD
coffee= KO*EF
ugly= OIG
instincts= KBINGTS
enjoin= KBOIN
prima facie= PRAIRB
common law= KMOL
Atlantic= TLAK
variance= VAIRNS
restraining order= STRAENGD
restraining orders= STRAENGDZ
versus= VS
institutionalized= SNAOULDZ
dimensional- DMENLGS
not guilty= N-G
that’s right= THAERT
fifteen= FAOEN
paternity= PA*ERNT

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December 27 2016

Briefs, Phrases, and Legal Terminology From Boston Legal Season 1, Episode 2


on the= ONT
minutes= MINS
mental= MENL
hospital= HOPT
about= B-
tomorrow= TOM
how much= HOUFP
I can= IK
I don’t need= YOFRN
board= BAORD
will= L-
question= KWE
entirely= SBAOIRL
possible= POB
provoke= PROEFK
contrition= KAUN/TRIGS
to see= TOZ
I am= IM
ashamed= SHAEMD
Perhaps= PRAPS
sanity= SANT
punitive damages= P-DZ
Compensatory= KPENS/TO*ER
puny= PAOUN/YI
punitive= PAOUFNT
bifurcate= BAOIFRKT
compensatory= KPERNT
juries= JIRS
liability= LAOIBLT
damages= DAJS
deposition= DEPGS
commitment= KMIMT
proceeding= PRAOEG
hearing= HAERG
release= RAOES
wait a second= WAIKD
busy= B-Z
forgive me= FRIFM
psychiatric= SKAOERKT
treatment= TRAOEMT
crazy= KRAEZ
excuse me= SKAOUFM
concur= KRUR
intermittent= INT/MINT
disorder= DORD
protocol= PROELT
pharmacological= FARM/KOE/L-L
indeed= N-D
actually= TWAEL
obviously= OEFLS
I’m sure= AOIMZ
essentially= SERBL
institution= SNAOUGS
maybe= MAEB
New York= NORK
graduate= GRAUT
attorney= TOEN
intelligent= TEJ
each and every= AOEFR
each and every time= AOEFRT
milligrams= MIL/GRA*MS
antipsychotic= AOINT/SKOKT
thoroughly= THROL
medication= MEGS
scenario= SNAR
surgeon= SURN
transcript= TRIPT
corporation= KORPGS
conduct= KUKT
angioplasty= ANG/YOE/PLAEFT
allegation= AELGS
outcome= OUK
cardiac arrest= KAURKT
devastated= DWAEFTD
at this time= TIT
patient= PAIRBT
he had= ED
forty= FOURT
objection= OX
form of the question= FOFRMGS
more or less= MORLS
physical= FIS
condition= K-N
regularly= RELG
secretly= SKRELT
persuade= PRAED
progress= PROG
incident= DIN
insults= SMULTS
irrevocable= IR/RAF/KA*BL
isolated= SOELTD
repeat= RAOEPT
guardian= GAURND
affidavit= AFD
psychiatrist= SKRIFT
bias= BAOIZ
parole= PROEL
prison= PRIS
as you say= SUS
distance= SDANS
provided= PROID
legal= LAOEL
pathology= THOLG
reference= REFRNS
motion= MOEGS
sanctions= SANGSZ
control= KROEL
aspire= SPIR
intimidate= SBIMT
deteriorating= DRAEGT
service= SEFS
as much as= S-FPS
conversation= KFRGS
argue= GAOU
prevent= PREFNT
adamant= DMANT
early= ERL
goodbye= GAOIB
airport= AIRPT
forgiving= FRIFG
attacked= TW-KD
partnership= POIP
canceled= KAELS
lunch= LUFP
bar= BAR
complaint= KPLAINT
consortium= KON/SORT/Y*UM
mitigating= MIT/GA*IGT
factor= FAOK
legitimate= JIT
conducted= KUKTD
privacy= PRAOIFZ
courtroom= KRAOM
I object= IB
I object to= IBT
settlement= ST-MT
considering= K-RG
opponent= PAONT
demean= DMAOEN
profession= PROEFGS
warrant= WARNT
restraining order= STRAENG/ORD
is that= STHA
what you think= WHAUNG
congratulate= GLAIT
recommendation= REMGS
senior= S-R
person= PERN
he wants= EPTS
party= PAERT
tragedy= TRAJD
private= PRAOIFT
photocopy= FOEKT
machine= M-N
adjourn= JAURN
as soon as= SNS
outpatient= TPAIRBT
courthouse= KHOUS
precipitating= PRAOEPGT

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December 14 2016

Briefs, Phrases, and Legal Terminology From Boston Legal Season 1, Episode 1


I’m sorry= AOIMS
territorial= TERLT
I know= AO*IN
Chicago= KHI/KHI
what about= WHAB
good morning= GORNG
I’m sure= AOIMZ
is a= SA
urgent= URGT
discovery= SKOIFR
Monday= MOND
contact= KAKT
worry= WOIR
relax= RAEK
Boston= BOFNT
office= OFS
I need= IFRN
discrimination= SKRIMGS
prejudice= PREJ
justice= JUS
attorneys= TOERNS
precedent= PR-NT
practice= PRA
dramatic= DRAUMT
husband= HUS
cell phone= SLOEN
negotiating= GOERBGT
diversity= DWERTS
leverage= LEFRJ
medical school= MAOL
beautiful= BAOUF
uniforms= UFRMS
residency= REZ
New York City= NORKS
hearing= HAERG
withdrawal= WRAUL
conflict- KIKT
opinion= P-N
letter= LERT
counsel= KOUN
partner= PARN
persuasive= PRAEFS
legal= LAOELG
sexual harassment= SWARMT
prosecuting= PR-G
offense= OFNS
profiling= PROILG
facilitate= FAFLT
customer= KMER
observation= OFRX
suspect= SP-T
derive= DRAOIF
little bit= BLIT
fungible= FUJ/-BL
identity= AOID
crisis= KRAOIZ
category= KAGT
would I be= WOIB
court= KORT
argue= GAOU
specific performance= SPEFK/P-FNS
holiday= HOILD
weekends= WENDZ
custody= KUD
enroll= KBROL
program= PRAM
outrageous= TRAIJS
lifetime= LAOIFT
English= GLIRB
firm= FIRM
ego= AOEG
trophy= TROEF
affirmation= AFRMGS
guardian ad litem= GLAOIMT
dismantle= SDMANLT
primary= PROIRM
accordingly= KWORLG
discretion= SKREGS
protection= PROEX
clause= KLAUS
amendment= AEMD
civil rights= SIFLTS
violation= VAOILGS
equality= KWAELT
weapon= WEP
weapons= WEPS
relevant= RAEFLT
do I= DOI
happy= HAEP
disturb= DURB
tawdry= TAUD/R*I or TAUD/RAO*E
proclivity= PROE/KL*IFT
pistol= STOL
controversy= TROEFZ
hearsay= HAOERS

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July 29 2016

What’s The Difference Between A Lawyer And An Attorney?

No, this question is not a part of some cocktail party joke. It turns out there is really a difference between the two titles.

The Grammar Bible informs that “lawyer” and “attorney” (as opposed to attorney-at-law) are not interchangeable words. According to The Grammar Bible, a lawyer is someone who conducts lawsuits for various clients, and advises clients on legal matters. An attorney is a person who has been appointed legally to carry out business for another person. While and attorney can be a lawyer, he or she can also be a person who strictly carries out business matters.

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Category: Legal | LEAVE A COMMENT
April 14 2016

Legal Vocabulary: Supersedeas

Supersedeas is Latin for “you shall desist.” According to Merriam-Webster, supersedeas is defined as follows: “(1) A common-law writ commanding a stay of legal proceedings that is issued under various conditions and especially to stay an officer from proceeding under another writ. (2) An order staying proceedings of an inferior court.”

Machine Briefs:

OPTION #1: supersedeas= SAOUP/SAOED/YUS
OPTION #2: supersedeas= SAOUP/SAOED/Y*US

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March 7 2016

Legal Vocabulary: Culpa

Culpa is defined by The Free Dictionary as: “A civil law term that implies that certain conduct is actionable. The word ‘culpa’ is applied to acts of commission and omission in both tort and contract cases. It implies the failure to perform a legally imposed duty, or negligence.”

Machine Brief:

culpa= KUL/PA*

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