Theory Thursday: Elsie Villega’s Audio Practice Briefs & Phrases Part 1
summit= SUMT
garage= GRAJ
garbage= GARJ
accountability= KABLT
accountable= KABL
secondary= SERKD
governance= GOFRNZ
convene= KWAO*EN
convenes= KWAO*ENZ
queen= KWAOEN
queens= KWAOENS
(Note: Queens= KWAO*ENS; as in Queens, New York)
He was accountable for the garbage in the garage.
The queen called a summit for queens that will convene in Brooklyn.
The governance of the secondary school was garbage.
Let’s convene in the garage tomorrow.
he was= EFS
for the= F-RT
that will= THAL
in the = N-T
called= KAULD
tomorrow= TOM
Theory Thursday: Prefix/Suffix Exercise
Source: Moss4ACI (You Tube)
Machine briefs from video:
Prefix out-= AOUT
operation= PRAIGS
promotion= PROMGS
please= PLAOES
Prefix up-= AUP
we need= WAOEFRN
to do= TAOD
competitive= KPEFT
is there= STHR
anybody= NIB
available= VAIBL
for the= F-RT
afternoon= AFRN
Prefix on-= AON
investigation= VEGS
century= SEN
when was= WHFS
doesn’t= DOENT
traffic= TRAFK
surgery= SURG
Prefix over= AUFR
robbery= ROIB
to get= TO*GT
system= ST-M
patient= PAIRBT
brief= BRAOEF
shadow= SHAOD
tradition= TRA
whenever= WHEFR
Mary= MA*ER
on the= ONT
any= NI
body= BOED
moving= MOFG
resulted= RULTD
flew= FLAOU
Suffix -over= O*EFR
anymore= NIM
inspection= SPEX
will be= L-B
conducted= KUKTD
Suffix -of= O*F
performance= P-FNS
who was= WHOFS
Prefix under-= N-R
policy= POIL
friends= FRENDZ
weekend= WEND
how much= HOUFP
invited= VAOITD
service= SFS
having= V-G
defendant= D-FT
support= SPOR
everyday= EFRD
trial= TRAOIL
season= S-N
are the= R-T
supporting= SPORG
disease= D-Z
dishes= DIRBS
vacation= VAIGS
October= OKT
assessment= SAEMT
several= SEFRL
New York= NORK
quiet= QAET
Steno Resources: Word Pronunciations
There’s a You Tube channel that specializes in word pronunciations. The user name of the channel is Emma Saying. Here’s the link:
Emma Saying’s channel includes playlists that are categorized into topics such as: Top challenging words, pairs of confusing sound-a-likes, difficult words to pronounce, NBA players, Hollywood stars, historical figures, and even a Game of Thrones pronunciation guide.
Practice Audio: Q & A 170-210 (2-Voice)
I’m a big fan of John DeCaro’s practice audio. I especially love the way he does the Q & A. His Q & A actually has different people dictating along with him so that you hear more than one person’s voice. This is helpful to me because I noticed that I have developed a habit of making a stroke for a speaker designation every time I hear a voice inflection from a speaker. I believe that I developed this habit from practicing too much Q & A dictation where one speaker is doing two voices. Hopefully, practicing to John DeCaro’s Q & A dictation, and other Q & A dictation, where there is more than one speaker will help me break this habit.
Here are some briefs from the dictation:
modification= MOIFGS
retrospect= ROERT/SPEK
negotiation= GOERBGS
did you have= SDUF
I don’t remember= YORM
do you understand= DOUNDZ
consult= SKULT
real estate= RAE
occupancy= OUPZ
furniture= FURNT
premises= PREMS
carpet= KARPT
air conditioning= AIRNG
repairs= R-PS
maintenance= MAINS
supervisor= SPRFR
thereafter= THRAF
installation= SNAULGS
fabric= FA*RK
leather= L*ERT
pursue= PRAOU
possession= PEGS
thermometer= THERMT
temperature= TEM
windows= WIDZ
front side= FRONDZ
cooler= KAORL
building= BLG
because of the= BAUFT
disposition= DPOGS
dirty= DOIRT
notify= NOIF
composition= KPOGS
degrees= DREZ
average= AFRJ
Practice Video: 180 200 Jury Charge
This is a jury charge practice at 180 and 200. I found this great video on You Tube created by user name, Moss4ACI. It includes some useful briefs at the beginning of the video as well as briefs and phrases further along in the video. It also includes a great read back of the material that includes proper punctuation.
Practice Audio: Lit and Q & A
This is a great combination lit and Q & A practice. The dialog (Q & A) part of the dictation is repeated twice in the audio. This practice is great for a moderate-lit workout, and a slow Q & A practice. The Q & A part is especially helpful for students who are also working on punctuation.
Here are some briefs and phrases from the video:
movie= MO*EF
champion= KHAON
season= S-N
cell phone= SLOEN or SFOEN
at the end of= TEFN
upset= SPET
football= FAOBL
baseball= BAIBL
restaurant= STRAUNT
especially= EP
United States= *US
negative= NEF
library= LAOIB
Practice Audio: Acronyms
Invest, Investigate, and Inspect Word Drill
Here’s another word drill from Steno Thing’s podcast. This drill is great for working out any confusion that may emerge when writing words in the “invest, investigate, and inspect” word family.
Here are some briefs from the drill:
invest= VEF
investor= VEFR
inspect= SPEKT
inspector= SPERKT
investigate= VEGT
investigator= VERGT