September 30 2019

Medical Monday: Splenitis

Splenitis is inflammation of the spleen.


OPTION #1: splenitis= SPLA/NAO*ITS
OPTION #2: splenitis= SPLAOE/NAO*ITS
OPTION #3: splenitis= SPLA/NAOI/T*IS
OPTION #4: splenitis= SPLAOE/NAOI/T*IS
OPTION #5: splenitis= SPLA/NAOIT/*IS
OPTION #6: splenitis= SPLAOE/NAOIT/*IS
OPTION #7: splenitis= SPLA/NAOIT/T*IS

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August 18 2019

Medical Briefs From House: Season 1, Episode 22

House season 1 episode 22
belly= BLAOE
exploratory= SPLORT
operating room= PRAOM
recovery= ROIFR
neurogenic= NAOUR/G*ENG
epilepsy= EPLZ
tremors= TRERMS
peristalsis= PER/STA*LZ
axonal= AX/NA*L
Alzheimer’s= ALZ
protein= PRAOEN
genetic= G*ENGT
encephalitis= EN/S*EFLTS
dementia= DMEN/SHA*
serology= SERLG
health= H*ELT
neurotoxicity= NAOUR/TOX/S*IFT
metabolic= MET/BL*IK
cerebral= KRAOEBL
limbic= LIM/B*IK
paralyzed= PARLDZ
paresthesias= PA/RA/STAI/SAOE/A*S
Coombs= KAO*UMS
agglutination= A/GLAOUT/NA*IGS
Gullian-Barré= GAOE/A*N/BA/RA*I
fatal= FAILT
virus= VAOIRS
reaction= RAOEX
abnormal= BORL
blood work= BLAORK
syndrome= SDROEM
porphyria= POR/FAOER/YA*
hematin= HAOEM/T*IN
synthase= SIN/THA*IZ
embolism= KBLIFM
Ativan= AFNT
catheter= KA*ERT
vasospasm= VAI/SOE/SPA*FM
glucose= GLAOUKS
hematin= HAOEM/T*IN

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August 15 2019

Medical Briefs From House: Season 1, Episode 21

House season 1 episode 21
tumors= TAOURMS
neurological= NAOUR/L-L
varicose= VARKS
pregnant= PREG
narcotics= NARKTS
ankle= A*INLG
osteogenesis= OFT/YOE/G*ENZ
imperfecta= KB-FRT/A*
myeloma= MAOI/LOEM/A*
vascular= VAFBLG
tendinitis= TEND/NAO*ITS
operate= PRAIT
degenerative= DEFGT
nodule= NOD/AO*UL
thyroid= THROID
inflammation= KBLAMGS
tendons= TEND/O*NS
herniated= HERNTD
Demerol= DEM/RO*L
inflammatories= KBLARMTS
biopsy= BAOIPZ
thyroxine= THAOI/ROX/*IN
epinephrine= EP/NEF/R*IN
gender= GERND
autopsy= AUPZ
bladder= BLAERD
urethra= AOU/RAOET/RA*
calcium= KALS
intoxication= SBOX
adenoma= AD/NOEM/A*
ionized= AO*INDZ
differential diagnosis= D*IFRNLGS
kinase= KAOINZ
myoglobin= MAOI/O*E/GLOEB/*IN
osteosarcoma= OFT/YOE/SK*OEM
cancerous= KAERNZ
amputate= AFRPT
saliva= SLAOIF
infarction= IN/FARKS
necrotic= NA/KR*OKT
femur= FAOERM
bypass= BIPS
cytokines= SAOIT/KAO*INS
organ= GORN
organ failure= GORNL
cardiac arrest= KAURKT
suction= S*UX
morphine= MOFRN
amputation= AFRPGS
gluconate= GLAOUK/NA*IT
tachycardia= TAK/YI/KARD/YA*
defibrillator= FRIB
health care= HAERK
reperfusion= RAOE/PER/FAO*UGS
injury= JER
chronic= KRO*NG

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August 14 2019

Medical Briefs From House: Season 1, Episode 20

House season 1 episode 20
examining= X-G
examination= X-GS
wheelchair= WHAOERK
pupil= PAOUPL
teeth= TAO*ET
edema= A/DAOEM/A*
optic= OP/T*IK
nerve= NEFRB
ischemia= SKAOEM/YA*
tissue= TIRB
jawbone= JAUB
angiogram= JO/GRAM
peripheral= PRIFRL or PEFRL
vasculitis= VAFKTS
neuropathy= NAOUR/PA*ET
cardiac= KARKD
emboli= EM/BLAO*I
blood samples= BLAOFRPLS
clinic= KLIN
aphasia= A/FAIZ/YA*
needles= NAOELDZ
pulmonologist= PUL/NO*LGT
acupuncturist= AUKT
homeopathic= HOEM/YOE/PA*KT
chiropractor= KHAOIRT or KHAOIRPT
sensitivity= SNEFT
naturopath= NAT/ROE/PA*T
practitioner= PRAR
bruising= BRAOUGZ
prescription= PRIPGS
muscles= MUFL
measure= MUR
insert= SNERT
painful= PAIFL
toxic= TOX
mitral= MAOI/TRA*L
prolapse= PROE/LA*PS
valve= VAFL
aneurysm= AN/R*IFM
endocarditis= SBOE/KAR/DAO*ITS
carotid= KROTD
angiogram= JORM
medical evidence= MAEFD
vitals= VAO*ILTS
monitors= MORNTS
stethoscope= ST*ET/SKO*EP
blood clots= BLAOKTS
pharmacy= FARMZ
acetaminophen= A/SET/MAOEN/F*IN
treatment= TRAOEMT
surgical= SURL
strangulation= STRAINLGS
strangulations= STRAINLGSZ
coma= KMA
hospital= HOPT
nose= NOEZ
osteomyelitis= OFT/YOE/MAO*ILTS
blood tests= BLAOTS

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August 13 2019

Medical Briefs From House: Season 1, Episode 19

House season 1 episode 19
you feel= UFL
clench= KLEFP
virulent= VIRNLT
bacterial= BABLGT
meningitis= MENGTS
diagnosed= D-GD
exposed= SKPOEFD
diagnostics= D-GTS
quarantine= QARNT
take these= TAIKZ
pus= PUS
spinal= SPAOINL
canal= KANL
epidemic= EPD
lumbar= BLURM
infections= N-FXZ
rifampin= RA/FAM/P*IN
puncture= PURNGT
Novocain= NOEFK
gurney= GOIRN
bleeding= BLAOEGD
antibiotic= AEBT
blood= BLAOD
stomach= STUM
sedative= SDAFT
contagious= TAIJS
Lesions= LAOEGS
digestive tract= D-FJT
intestine= SBEFN
intestines= SBEFNZ
endoscopy= END/SKPAOE
blood pressure= BLAOPS
blood vessel= BLAOFL
Dieulafoy= DAOUL/FO*I
swollen= SWOENL
intussusception= IN/TUS/S*EPGS
intestinal= SBEFNL
abdominal= ABL
sepsis= S*EPZ
meningeal= MEN/JAO*EL
aspiration= SPIRGS
sterile= STERL
Ativan= AFNT
seizure= SHURZ
seizures= SHURSZ
barbiturate= BARBT
hemorrhoid= HEM/RO*ID
radiology= RAOLG
medicine= MED
med= M*ED
ultrasound= URLT/SOUND
neurology= NAOURLG
scrotum= SKROEMT
temporal= TEFRP/RA*L
neurosurgeon= NURN
surgeon= SURN
saline= SLAOEN
operating room= PRAOM
renal= RAOENL
kidney= KAOEND
urine= AOURN
uremia= AOURM
differential= D*IFRNL
allergic= LERJ
rash= RARB
cell= KREL
fragments= FRAGTS
blood cells= BLAOLS
red blood cells= BLAORLS
purpura= PA/PUR/RA*
thrombotic= THROM/BO*KT
thrombocytopenic= THROM/SAOIT/PAO*ENG
menopausal= MEN/PA*UFL
estrogen= STROENG
E. Coli= AOE/KOE/LAO*I (NOTE: Be sure to D-define with the format symbols Uncap Next and Sticky Space.)
pregnancy= PREGZ
biological= BL-L
vessels= VEFLS
clot= KLOT
plasmapheresis= PLA*FM/FA*RZ
antibodies= AEBDZ
abdomen= ABD
surgery= SURG
platelets= PLAILTS

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July 15 2019

Medical Monday: Supination

Supination is defined as follows: “(1) The act of turning the palm of the hand, or the corresponding surface of the forelimb, upward. (2) The position of a limb so turned; opposed to pronation. (3) The act or state of lying supine.”

Machine Briefs:

OPTION #1: supination= SAOUP/NA*IGS
OPTION #2: supination= SAOUP/A/NA*IGS
OPTION #3: supination= SAOUP/PA/NA*IGS
OPTION #4: supination= SAOU/PA/NA*IGS
OPTION #5: supination= SPINGS

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